How To Tell A Good Story – Alcoholic Edition

1. Keep a log of story content.

It’s much easier to find the right stories if you have a list to go to. Get in the habit of jotting down notes about content that would make for a good story – client wins, challenges, times of perseverance, etc. To get yourself started, spend an hour just thinking about experiences you’ve had where you’ve overcome hardship and made yourself (or others) proud.

  1. When You Have Important Points, Match Them With A Story

One of the most powerful applications of stories in a work setting is conveying messages that you want to resonate with widespread culture changes and personal mentoring. To use stories, you only need to pause, and remember to do so. And check that list you just made.

The next time you find yourself contemplating what words you want to say, consider what story would help support your points. You’ll find that it helps you communicate your message, and for the listener to hear it.

  1. Practice Them

There’s a misperception that great storytellers can whip these yarns out of their hats and deliver with aplomb. The best stories are well-told stories – because they get better with each telling. Whenever someone in my workshops volunteers to tell a good story, it’s one that they’ve told many times before.

To get better at telling any story, start putting it out there for various groups of people. It is a guarantee you that you’ll learn from each experience and get better.

One caution: Practicing is important. However, you don’t want to be known for telling the same stories to the same people.

  1. Don’t Try To Be Perfect

Many of us strive to perfect so much of our lives, but you definitely don’t want to show up that way in your stories. Perfect storytellers Jordon Bower are boring and robotic. Perfect characters in stories are alienating. No one wants to hear how awesome you are, or how well you nailed your goal.

Instead, we’re enraptured by stories that involve some vulnerability. We want to hear about struggles, and how to overcome them – to be honest. When you share stories, be revealing about the hurdles along the way. It’s okay to talk about success, don’t omit what got you there.

  1. Use Good Story Structure

A good story isn’t complicated – it’s actually quite a simple storyteller workshop You are advised to put stories into a structure that has the following:

Clear moral or purpose – there’s a reason why you’re telling this story, to this audience, at this time

Personal connection – the story involves either you or someone you feel connected to

Common reference points – the audience understands the context and situation of the story

Detailed characters and imagery – have enough visual description that we can see what you’re seeing

Conflict, vulnerability, or achievement we can relate to – similar to point #4, show us the challenges

Pacing – there’s a clear beginning, ending, and segue way back to the topic